Sunday, February 17, 2008

New York Book Deal

Think it real, it IS real!

Just back, first class flight to New York, as a writer. :)

Sweetest humans contact, fab. Make me smile, they do.

Okay, so my interpretation:



Sticky pallet
children laughing
all clean and
ready for
comes my way
paid and priced
so nice
so deserved?
This One
able in desire
burning fire
lights my everyday
as tough children,
laugh, in lamplight.


Thursday, February 7, 2008

I Know, More Pictures But Deal

Pause tremers call
the sanguine squall
meaning tall
and forbidden

duly posted
and tossed
strewn a throw
'gainst angers blow

Breath from under
cave of squander
breathe anew.

Fresh fresheners dampen
a daylight rich in splendor
frivolous squander a new?

Poised in quandry
unlimmited foundry
sirens and silence call

days of wonder
tease my plunder
yet awake again in hue.

So like what? Makes so much tangible sense to me. Okay, time to check Aja tiger and off to slumber.

Mox ;)

Should I Patent A Dipping Noodle?

It could really be cool, say like a penne, slightly bigger, except when in processing/forming they could put a blow nozzle to expand the tip of the noodle into a spoon-like scupula. These would be great for snacking, just have a cold bowl of Noodle Dippers and some hot marinara, alfredo and garlic dipping sauces, yum! And, I dare say, take a quarter of the noodles and deep fry them, then serve amoungst the wigglers. Wow. Must try this on the kids, sounds too fun.

MM Trademark seems to be going thru system, hooray! Applied for another patent at work too.

Trying to live by the motto:
Out of fear, is born regret.

Out for this Leadership position, essay due next week. Also off to NJ next week for a cosmetics formulation course. Booked the Manhattan skyline for morning coffee, dazzling. And good chance (booked too) first class on way home for first time ever! Eat, drink, sleep, movie, read, man! 5 hours is gonna fly!

Have to write a 2 page essay on leadership, feel like a high-schooler, but hoops a must the Mox for da next level...

Smooches y'all,


Saturday, February 2, 2008

My Jewish Carpenter

Ah, well, suppose that I rein true!

Me is Chi-bound. Need an undestanderererer.

As another heart
breaks against the waves
to a thunder of light
Sparkling, radiant,
and cheers near!
barking dogs query,
choppers neary,
Angst in bed ready
Rest my head
for another day...


Smiling Mox.


Me gets good jeans and, me thinks check it out!

Winkinreal Mox.