Monday, September 22, 2008

Missing Man Hits Home

I appologise if the military flyover was too much. May have seemed a bit over-the-top for the dude-talk I was trasing, but the the tribute was soul-appropriate. Many close people have had death touch their lives recently, and this, perhaps, was a way that I could understand in some way.

So missing man:

AM: white car & black car, blinds 1/2 open, no people
PM: no cars, blinds all open, no people

I could put the Imagine YouTube here, but that is just what you'd expect, eh?

So this:

Love on,

This is my treat on re-watch if-do:

Friday, September 19, 2008

Missing Man & "Talk Like a Pirate" Day!

Yes, today is Arrghhh Matey officieyal "Talk Like aPirate Day!" go figure, eh? In honor of this event:

Nice! Happy "Talk Like A Pirate" day to you all! I need to lobby for the "Happy Screech Like A Pterdactyl" day. Watch your calendars...

The Case of the Missing Man

So, the back story is that there is this dude that lives up the street from me. He happens to live next to an aquaintance friend who has some scoop (rough divorce in progress, might lose the house, bla, bla, bla...), we've partied at same house at diff times.

One day, I was feeling comfortable in my skin, walking that day in an unusual rainy Spring day in the desert. That's when he appeared, moving rock in the front yard, not an easy task. We bumped, said Hi and I left. I was especially pretty, decked out in my way-old full-on brown leather camping jacket & yellow hunting shades, under, of coarse, the Raider's camping hat (keeping off the sprinkles). He was so nice. And as it turns out, that happened to be the weekend that the new Indiana Jones movie came out. Me, MAJOR unknowing nerd alert!!! So ME. It was a good, funny hello.

So anyway, kitty needs petting, k, done that, yet something is happening at his place. I drive past on my way to work 2X/day so me & kids have a guessing game on his life. Just hope all is well, the blinds were closed and only one car there for 2 weeks. Let's hope for great business travel or something. I need to get with my neighbor buddy's friend.

And is all this too much concern for a guy you don't know? It's fun and scary to guess what is happening in someone's life who is unknown.

Tuesday, September 9, 2008

Black Holes Swallow the World on Wednesday

Two lawsuits say that this test will create black holes that will effectively end the debate over conservatism or change tomorrow. This just in (like weeks ago) CERN is testing their super-duper cyclotron colider.

okay geeks rule, set up yo drool... in a rude way, and me here to play:

Okay, and some other cool pics for your Wed enjoyment:

It's why we're in the business baby!

Mox A Molecule