Thursday, June 19, 2008

Life Goes On....

Wow! The colors really do get brighter! Reading a Positive Energy book right now with a she a confirming what is already happening. That's good tho, the thing that we all seek: confirmation of our own seeming individual thoughts and beliefs.

Ok, time for a drink & smoke in the shed. Judge as you will; it doesn't include sex in the shed too tonight, which I happen to also like, so there!

something to listen to while I'm gone:

I'm back now.

...okay so not really back yet but typing the, "Hi, I'm back," so that I don't have to say those pointless words as soon as I'm back and no longer care about having left the computer for 5 minutes! please! now I go...

almost actually went, then thought, "wow, maybe I should sit out front with the fountain," but that seems like a big commitment. Ok, right, quick smoke, back in, do dishes, email (or this thing rant), then sleep, perchance to dream...

Ahhh... I love smoking when 1/2 a cig makes you weak in the knees, yummy. k, so next? need a picture, let's check the phone for the latest, eh? Never posted the Charlie Brown tree doing well pic, surprised me a major! Dare it is, it even sprouted it's super pretty red bottle brushes this year, first year :)
Observance of the Day: Butterflies are pretty because they really have to be, otherwise everything else would eat them. I have some Lantanas that are like pretty yellow butterflies and tonight near dusk, one butterfly, let's call him Ted, decided to feed on the flowers that are against my front window. I watched from my book chair as long as I could, then, like I do with Hannibal, had to sneak up and REALLY watch without disturbing. It was so fabulous. Like one of those nature documentaries: this extraordinary thing dipping it's proboscis into the tiny Lantana flower tubes for yummyville, never caring about the propigation of all the other beauty that it carries on it's feet & body. Simply living instinctively. Simply Being. Simply beautiful.
Hannibal sporting his flashy shell & I work a yellow shirt today that says, "Hello Solstice! Bring it on!" There are really only 3 states of Being: Acceptance & Joy and some middle one. I accept and actually enjoy that I am tired now, I like to sleep at night.
Seems so simple, eh?
I appreciate that I can sleep at night, comfortably. Many have not my luxury; in body, soul or mind.

Wednesday, June 11, 2008

Guess What?!!

Chicken butt!

ughhh, and yes. listenening to the Lennon curtain-opening IMAGINE video over and over. I do the exact same thing on a smaller scale EVERY day, perhaps that is why it resonates so profoundly. Like really open up white curtains to the day against a baby grand dark piano base.

Man I hope that I really try to play the thing. It brings so much fun to a house to have a silly big piano, people just like to play it. Love dat!

Ok so sent boyz texts out, need some convo & still waiting. I don't like to wait. that being said, if anyone were to propose, either do it in water or even better yet at th waldorf astoria [?so ?] with the GOD food of waldorf salad.

OK, OK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Does TIME matter?

Time for random poetry:

a piece by e.e.cumm
ings tha
t I fee
lespecially in
volved wit
so, sha
re me will and apprec
a piece by a favor
ite po
et of mi

Ok, so that was my random, hard-read ee-esk poetry, if you will, to say the day. so here is ee"'s from the book:

i am so glad and very
merely my fourth will cure
the laziest self of weary
the hugest sea of shore

so far your nearness reaches
a lucky fifth of you
turns people into eaches
and cowards into grow

our can'ts were born to happen
our mosts have died in more
our twentieth will open
wide a wide open door

we are so both and oneful
night cannot be so sky
sky cannot be so sunful
i am through you so i

Holy socks-at-the-airport-Batman!

Or maybe just, yeah, duh. So live on...

Huge Smooches from da Mox.

Monday, June 9, 2008

Noan Chomski & Black Diamond Dylan

Man, I can't guess what is next! Best thing better than me a guess suppose, eh?

People are so done
ready for anyone to listen
Listen, Listen, Listen!
to people
birds & 7 BABY SPIDERS
hear tiny voices
deep with
the planets hummm...

shiny, smily moon
yet unseen
a trust of smoochy hope

Boo! from da Mox.
boocuoosmiles ;)

Tuesday, June 3, 2008

Hooray! No Bob Dylan Youtube Post So Far???

Great day today. Nailed a work presentation on critical 2009 launches.

No one will ever want to hear it this way but this is how it felt to me:
Was channeling my monk light better, thought of my love for the subject and the people who I was lucky enough to share the data with, and so much less of the "I'M PRESENTING."

Way good, still too nervous to be anywhere near monkdom, yet I aspire (getting rid of the "I" helps, yet, as with any communication, is more challenging in being than in writing. A good listener has a more trained Not-I).

Okay, so that is SO NOT what I wanted to say! yet probably needed, a growth event. You guys know that you're going to get the John Lennon again with yellow glasses and white opening blinds again & again & again?!! Like it hasn"t been 15 times so far! Pretty!

But Wait...

Poetic Intervention:

wait, let me load the lennon son so I can loop while writing... back in a sec...

As bad as I can be.

bugs will have to wait

great day :)
to Day
