Monday, March 31, 2008

Hierarachy Shifted?

My daugeter got REJECTED by NYU yesterday, yeah, the coveted New York University, one she wanted, ranked down there with... where I went to college, perhaps a year, eh! Too funny. Oh, good news as of today at 5 pm? SHE WAS ACCEPTED AT CORNELL. Yeah, me chill Mom, soakin' it. Can't help but be subtle and claim it is all her hard work. Totally true! Makes it even more funny/ironic for me. And it started as impossible, so ironic is fun! My mom has always given us this urgency of awareness. I think that my daughter has that instilled in her being, a sence in the literal science-magic that i experience. So much yum. tonight perhaps to join you in this, my past Saturday HOUR: Licks all! Mox

Saturday, March 29, 2008

Ready To Go Dark!

Tonight from 8 - 9, Earth Hour. We even hing a flag out front to promote. Has the Mox become a tree-hugger?

I do like the hypocritical HOLAS lifestyle. Maybe even someday (hah! someday, what a vice!) I will ahve for realz a cause.

Until then, lights out around the globe from 8 - 9 local time, candle power, walk with kids to see if anyone knows, and go from there!

Mox-A-Million - Hope :)

Sunday, March 23, 2008

Happy Easter, And No Easter At All

Funny, I feel the same way. What is Easter, what has it become? For me it is a day to reconnect with the planet, reinforce ideals, plan to help others. No day of "church" or even huge obligatory family gatherings; we just got together and partied when we welcomed Spring last week. In my heart of hearts, I believe the intent is really the same, unless you are really religious i suppose.

any thoughts?

Pretty outside! cleaned the zen pool. Can't ask my guy, need inter-action, yet he needs the cool. So left with this are you:

Dirty Black
a starlit twilight
littered with stars
against a drowned moon.

Dirty Bright
Gray clouds hang
as rifts of rain
wet my day

Piercing green everything
forcing STOP, as red
and flowers too.

watered flowers blossom
ever against a springtime moon.

a smiling winker ;)

Technology, and this is real:

Wednesday, March 19, 2008

The Best Part of a Day Can Sometimes Be...


Waking up? Most always that is nice. ;) Most people don't even appreciate it tho. I have shifted my morning mantra from what I have to do, to what I choose to do, and that is fab!

Always the music, or perhaps the Muse, she is my main guide now. Yes, SHE! Supernaturatural Holististic Energismism, yes. Probably a member of the Global Inclusion Society of America, tm.

Pic of green wall still pending; phone pic muted. Does anyone have a clue if colors are good for kids?

I am WAY in favor of color, yet some can make you shakie...?

Still looking for a man. Man! Wish I didn't like the little hairy bastards so much! Men are WONDERFUL, so different from me, and iF we're to describe girly, well, getting there.

Simply Again,


Friday, March 14, 2008

Twice In One Night!

Stamina back up.

OMG, romantic stuff. I love discovering things. My least favorite discovery of last year was that of a waxed back, way yucky! Guys, don't wax your backs! No matter how hairy, eeuuhh! it was a sticky back, isn't that 10 times worse? How do you rub/pet/stroke someone sticky? yuk! Just IMHO, of course.

Speaking of which, I know that it is a holiday for some, yet I am still hopeful of the manlink. Danm, don't know why I like the clever-brained testosteroned ones, but I do. Yum, Yum, Yum!

And the diaphanous curtains can be a major joy kill. All my bouncy jump-play goes away and makes house feel small and tight. We'll see. They are mounted. Green wall ASAP depending on family and major wang, I mean Yang events, that hve 1 out of 16K chances of actually ocurring.

The way I look at it is that I believe that I can walk on water, or so could you, it's just a matter of belief & probability, so what's the point again?

Dog skittering! Bad dog! What did I feed her? No landing strip so suppose we are ok.

I go back to The. Monk and listen as Mox will, woeful and hopeful; wakefully dreaming of bumping into him.

Smooches all,

I Need a Vacation

Perhaps a nice quiet island in Dubai, yeah, that sounds relaxing...

I actually have to earn my money these days and it is becoming a bit taxing. Especially as the weather gets nice and I get topless and Stoopid again. Oh well, bonus was good enough to most likely keep the house; and the whole resort town, resort car, resort music thing makes every day a smile. Still looking for my cabana boy and since nobody was willing to drive tonight, I decided to pick up a curtain rod from Target and I'll spend my time with that tonight.

Gonna paint some walls bright green and the hall yellow too, and see if I can handle all the energy. I should get B4 and AFT pics, have you guys seen the kitchen? BRIGHT! I have to dump phone pics again...

Work is actually super right now, lots of responsibility and decisions and standing up, getting name out there. Had a lady from corporate communications say to me in a meeting the other day, "So you're [Moxie Rose]! I see your name everywhere." That's got to be good (unless I am getting the Brittney Spears kind of press, I suppose).

Everything is green outside, can't wait for inside wall to be too, so must go paint and feed offspring.

Drooling at my keyboard,

Monday, March 10, 2008

And Yes, Magic Works, Plus Major CLMs, Networking!

On Work:

This is one of those quarters (Q108) where I jump blindly into the swimming pool, hopefully full of water & warm, just trusting all of those people that helped push me off the diving board! Most all aspects of life, work for sure. Well, I will keep the house, and most likely keep the job, man they're more nutz than me at this point, go figure...

On Sex and/or Relationships:

There is this Pavlov's dog thing associated with pink heels and men. I thought it might be the boob dress, the giant glasses (all which push it), yet the pink heels are the over-the-top item is dressology (TM)

On Magic/Insigh/Chi as relates to Personal Experience:

Anyone have any insite on "magic"? I am totally lost on magic and see it as nothing more (and nothing more beautiful) than Chi. I am getting vibes that Chi isn't even religious, and when you really read it, that it so true. It is simply living. Simply being. Of course. You know I would love any religion, say Taoism, that supports no dogma and has kharma (for example: Random Acts of Kindness: buying the dude in line behind me a coffee at the drive-thru, turning around for the kid's lemonade stand while at lunch. You know?). That religion of Global Spiritual Inclusion. Creating a stimulated, energised youth.

And why not stimulate the Boomers? Brightest, experienced minds, creative and openminded directive. Pull this group, feed with Legacy. Give them a legacy, a reason to know that if they pick color 524 and fragrance 214, they execute a superior product for...

holy shit!

guess how much I need sex?


Nuf said,


Sunday, March 2, 2008

Happy Leap Year!

And A day, eh?

Mine quite boob-a-liscious! Pearls and a pretty tight burgandy swishy thing. Can't tell you where I got it or the magic might rub off. Still seeing if the magic dress really works...

All good. Tons of good energy flowing. Keeeping it clean and ready and open; hopeful.

Smooches youz!
