Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Hate Me, Love Me Holiday at 4am and Later..

Sky lit in domes of rainbow,
reflecting itself back again,
strawberry and smoke
clouds determidly pass.
Fire roars triumphantly
Sublimating drops
incesantly nagging at its licks.
everthing a glissssining rodent
smelling green. Breath...
As night falls tickling
around the edges.
I become more
ready me
ready you
And Know Idea (ha!) or Who really)

Ahh, the breath , the obligation, of wet streets sparkling wanten.

Monday, November 24, 2008

Need 2 Corelle Coffee Cups

Pan-fried, two pound T-bone, drooling
2 days to celebrate, eat sleek.

Monday, November 3, 2008

What if My Hands Could Help?

Does it matter what color? Does it matter what religion? Does it matter what party?

Does anyone know of volunteer org's that by into the "Imagine" credo that I can support?

what I like too about this piece is the leadup, nature crunching & singing in any park anywhere, anytime.

Vote for pretty possibilities tomorrow, hope, future, all of us one...


Saturday, November 1, 2008

Waxing Crescent 14% of Full

Random thoughts of post Halloween madness:

The sweet-smell haze of cherry cigar hangs deftly in the faint autumn air tonight, the day after. Air stilled and unloved by some poor fools, and Yet is. Simple immediate beauty, smoke rising toward Jupiter and the splinter Moon, she lights my step. Memories, daydreams, now; all same, all true, real.

Wisdom of the day: Swim in your unheated backyard pool in November whenever possible. Man! We are on year 3. Youngling said something that ringed true, "Things seem to live longer around here." And he's right. Pool way outlasted peer pools, and latex baloon on 3rd week! No way! Hermit crab feigns death once again, this thing is like 4+ years old; plus need to water the cute little bugger after dishes are done tonight, plants too.

"Okay, suck in your hips," great thing to say when you find yourself part of a group picture, especially when ladies are present, works better than "cheese."

I'm addicted to my book now and hate it, and my fantasy cuddling of the moment is this guy at work... We look at each other like aliens, quisitive and No Way, but I need some sex and cuddling, so we'll see.

Time to watch Borat for the first time and just lovingly deal with life.
