Math never really did bother me. Plus I always did well. Don't like to brag but my math tends to be more acurate most times that i care to apply it.
Wow. Feeling high & low, full circle. Nick Drake? Swear we were listening to him a bazill ago, hmmm...
home from college; wonderful tradgedy of love
& likeness.
Got a fab guy. Man, was I ready a year ago, knew it would happen, like just sure. He adores & delights me! the lake <3, to Vegas, and just around the house. Yes, in that, "Wow, look how cute he is sleeping on the couch on saturday at 3!" stage, debating about the move in. An artist, he is (so very Yoda of me), we see things as the same as 2 people can; mostly beautiful.
More tunes, gotta love this for any up day!
Ahh, a ver mer crish, of all good!