Sunday, January 27, 2008

Horney Human High

What is it about being alive that makes you want to get some? And is that so wrong? We have all these damn nerve endings, whose plan was that?!! Then we're thrust (yes, I said thrust) into this world of complicated "other beings that want some too."

Hey WAY need to know this, who knows the rules on where to put the . [period] in relation to a quote at the end of a sentence? REALLY need to know, any resources?

So, besides that rant, think I'm going to get a firepit in next couple. And what's even moore amazing, think I'm actually going to USE it. Like often. You know how I am prone to tossing a couple of logs on the barbeque and huddling around calling that a fire? Well, they actually make these things that are not only decorative (and lower to the patio ceiling!) and have a place for you plate or glass yet they have a place for logs that burn in the center, way cool. All for less than $200. Probably have to rip the roof off the Stang to get it home, but man, that will be cool. What's worse, I even saw the one I want, and if you know me at all you know that it is already in my backyard glowing and crackling delightfully. But I am trying to be patient... ughhhh!!!

So a rainy day poem (call me B if you think too depressing, actually feeling good and dumping all "stuff" feels ten times better. Did I tell you that I'm writing a book? Guess what it's called? Yep! Got the TM applied for and searching, hopefully I will get it):

Rainy desert,
weeping soul
dangles a red thread
of art fancy.
Greens perked and swollen
hanging glazed
against a radiant gray.
Plastic blues
and reds jazz false pleasure.

Biting My Nails
coated again in blood
fleshy and unreal
yet me

Aluminum tree against my window
as time ticks on
animal path so clear
guitar on wall
addiction on call
to jump so fall!
or soar, sore and open.
birds on wire chatter dog's admire
walking in the rain
smiling umbrella.

Nuf dat!

Time to make that dinner out of those ingrediments [sic] above and feed my NY bound photographer her veggie-mite dinar

Did I mention that I replaced my swag lamp over piano with an old beat up tarnished copper thing from Goodwill? It's twisted a bit, so I figure it's a perfect fit. Looks really good if you squint!

Loves All,
Moxie Rose

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