Tuesday, May 15, 2007

Stoopid is Good

Because they never demand anything from you. Just being there is sometimes enough. and singing along, ahhh, have you ever tried? And you really have to subdue all that live. I am gonna be so alone in the back against the wall, head low, no friends, into it> Good. EVERYONE will hate me after this concert. And I say, when I own my own LTJ and they want to fly ion, then we can talk

I am changing jobs. So things will get a bit more serious, if that can be true in a greater sense of new people. That's really all I need. The work is the work, same with different chemicals, they say that I am a Scientist now. Oh. Oh? I read and know of real people who play that title so beautifuly. I hope to come in and upset them all in the passionate way. If I leave anything, I hope to leave it "better". And that is so selfishly defined. A very heartfelt and scary change for me soon. No choice. Need the new people to piss off or just disturb in a good way, my REAL job. Find the passion and inspire. Only thing that I am any good at really.

Tip of the Day:
Trouncing around Oak Flats campgroung and climbing palm trees for the first time may leave your arms a bit bumpy from bites and scrapes but it is still worth going there.

Okay, so obligatory G. updayte? See we date that way, with a y in the middle. Funny, huh?

Probably only reason is that I am so needing to find my passion right now. What the hell am I going to do with this life?!!

See, so selfish. Ughhh! Keep focused on 2011 plan for the MOX. Have I explained? Prob way not, for good reason, NO CLUE! Actually I do have a plan. And the fact that the calander comes to an end in 2012 makes it even more fun to try to actuate. :)

Gonna have to get some. You know, REAL action. REAL life. FLOW.

Discipline 2007, my motto. Going pretty well given the sidewinds. pretty music, pretty skies, good funny people, what else is there? Serious, yikes, not something I know. Not sure I'm ready or willing to grow up yet.

yeah, life is good.

This will make all the typos okay:

Sent from my Wireless BlackBerry.

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