Monday, November 12, 2007

Step Stools, Hand Trucks and Caves for Mister's Son

Title of this one enough, no? I'm exhausted and I write the damn thing! Need to get some of my stuff back from charity work; that feels good. Put it out, give...

Much better today. Full of piss & vinegar and fiesty, yet happy. amazing, eh?


Not Carlsbad, knew dat, here is another one:

evening bat program available, interesting...

Ah Good!

G, back on phone, ugh!!!! good ughhh...

Okay, So Now It Is Like 3 Days Later, maybe, today's the... where the hell is the phone... 14th. pretty good math for a scientist, eh? how the hell else would we come up with 2.14159 if we weren't just a little crazy anywho?

Kids dining on homemade pizza bagels(like that's an accomplishment!). Really want to make bagels from scratch one of these days, hear it's an art: mix & rise, boil, then bake, curious!

So Thursday has become Booty Hookup Day in my group, like no joke. I have kiddo stuff at 8am then servicing at 9am. Brazillian Friday at 2:30, think of me then! send prayers!

OMG! We should SO get a betting-thing going on whether or not me and G actually follow thru with our plans. it's about as reliable as the lottery, so the odds of follow through are about... wait, I am the house! I'll take the "no" bet! But guess what? I'm NOT BORED. And even find it relaxing in my persuit of other relationships, which is nice; no pressure, just date and meet whomever, whenever. All nice and safe. And I am monogamous, G too.

So I believe that we are friends, that would be so nice for me just to know that he will be there in 10 years as my friend. maybe even my other friends can meet and come out to play with us in nice ways (happy hours, drag racing the venues, house parties?).

Anyone have connex to local resorts? When a kid I used to crash all this stuff, now it seems a tad... juvinile???

Beauty sleep, sweet dreams of an amazing

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