Sunday, August 24, 2008

Whole Lotta Love!

Wow! Great Soccer ball!

So what I meant to say was e.e.cummings:

i am so glad and very
merely my forth will cure
the laziest self of weary
the hugest sea of shore

so far your nearness reaches
a lucky fifth of you
turns people into eachs
and cowards into grow

our can'ts were born to happen
our mosts have died in more
our twentieth will open
wide a wide open door

we are so both and oneful
night cannot be so sky
sky cannot be so sunful
i am through you so i

e. e. cummings

WoW, the tower is pretty!

Did I Miss the Bus?

Where is my photo? Am I not real?

let's feel how life feels now, and see what next week brings. Sweet travel, sweet NY baby, sweet Littles. All transforming wonderment. ahhhh..


Tuesday, August 12, 2008

Thursday, August 7, 2008

Mel & A Breather

Holy Moly! Why am I letting stress affect me so bodily? So not right. Have I become a shut in, afraid of worldly torture? A loving being, too thin-skinned for war, liars, and energy sucks?

My fab Cornell kid had lunch with me yesterday at Butterfields (she leaves in less than 2 weeks, and that is damn far away!) and told me to get my passion fired up again. Make the hobby profitable, understand what you love and do it. Really do it. Man, I have a list of where to start.

Head East: Get some training in any kind of martial arts

Let Spirit Lead: Get off my own back and let the beauty of now happen

Release: Fear

Accept: Everything.

Have been doing this, accepting. Trying to understand people. Way bad vibe on pushy service manager at Ford today, what's up with that?! I drove in and said I needed a battery, he said I needed an [insert way expensive thing here that charges the battery, ALTERNATOR!], of which I declined and said, "Please put in a new battery." Actually asked for keys back at beginning and he would not give them back, "Oh no way would I drive this car another mile!!!" So dangerous!

I have good gauges, so my battery gauge was a bit fluxing. Idle: low battery, no radio; Running engine: fine battery signal, leads me to believe a new battery is needed, he thought otherwise, not sure why?

So the whole breather thing is that I need to go back ASAP to my girl for another massage. Want to see if her hands are as magical as I need them to be, have a feeling yes. :)

Let your love flow outward through the universe, To its height, its depth, its broad extent, A limitless love, without hatred or enmity. Then as you stand or walk, Sit or lie down, As long as you are awake, Strive for this with a one-pointed mind; Your life will bring heaven to earth. - Sutta Nipata

Wednesday, August 6, 2008

Believe in This

As my Youngling departs she leave me with this:

A trump to my Imagine windows, poss?

What about Dillan? She needs to leave me Dillan, spelled wrong? and so right? music for me! Hear that he was lyrical.

Dylan of da Day:


I am destined to go way into Dylan. Anyone think bad idea?

Get REAL with life, write & live. Feels right.


Tuesday, August 5, 2008

Drive Heart Thru the Moment

Living in the Moment

is right for One

Living in the Moment

is Right for Two

Living in the Moment

is all we Do




Perfect in that Moment

Right as Spirit

With two rich. Full, funny

Living in the Moment

is all we do...

Push fear from Soul

bring only love

wacky caring

as Thunder reminds

greater good of Life

knowing, caring, need.

Buddha on back wall

yellow painted hall

compelling brightness

within us All

Drive heart

PS: Cars are cool! New dude has this [see pic] with a, i swear, a 4" diameter pipe out the back! Major modified unit, racer dude, raked. No fast stuff with me yet, except I get to wake up in his arms. Wow! It has been years since I've done that and nobody knows that. He has no access to blog, yet, so let's see. He has Buddha on wall out back, dream catcher over bed, 2 big hairy lovey pooches (still picking the feathers & dog hair out of stuff after visit :), too early to tell.

Monday, August 4, 2008

On Butterflies, Burden, and Letting Go...


Ok, so the butterfly thing was off by 180 degrees; precisely because they are beautiful, makes you WANT to eat them. They must mate often. They fly slow, flitting delicately, super pretty and colorful. I watched one for 1/2 hour on my Lantana's thru the window (must have said this before no? it was profound.)

Burden of wanting more still torments me; working my zen on acceptance, so hard it seems. Great training at work, home, relationships. Need discipline of body. Major like of martial arts training in fall.

On Burden:

Can it be that the burden
is one of sweet lushiness
that wilts my leaves?
perhaps all is too much
simple brooming brings joy
and the softness of a gentle broom!
Delight :)
a tool gracefully brushing free Earth,
while fly on back seeks
sweet salty snack,

Okay, point 3:

Letting Go -
I have a teen moving/living across the country in 2 weeks. Affecting me more than I would have guessed. She has big box for Gramma to ship in the middle of her room. G, this is YINEEDU! Just Family shit. I had no idea it would hit me this way. Need support from friends. Don't get all up in my shit tho, cause have MAJOR work shit that is seemingly important NOW too.

All hot up in the Mox Box!
Rock on gang. We make life happen.

Sunday, August 3, 2008

Lennon Lit, Another


Pretty! Pretty!

Looking for love, as always, and finding some!

and this too!:

Mine is taking days to load, not sure Y, and never ever actually heard God before, maybe just a little patience is good, eh?

Smiles All!