Tuesday, August 5, 2008

Drive Heart Thru the Moment

Living in the Moment

is right for One

Living in the Moment

is Right for Two

Living in the Moment

is all we Do




Perfect in that Moment

Right as Spirit

With two rich. Full, funny

Living in the Moment

is all we do...

Push fear from Soul

bring only love

wacky caring

as Thunder reminds

greater good of Life

knowing, caring, need.

Buddha on back wall

yellow painted hall

compelling brightness

within us All

Drive heart

PS: Cars are cool! New dude has this [see pic] with a, i swear, a 4" diameter pipe out the back! Major modified unit, racer dude, raked. No fast stuff with me yet, except I get to wake up in his arms. Wow! It has been years since I've done that and nobody knows that. He has no access to blog, yet, so let's see. He has Buddha on wall out back, dream catcher over bed, 2 big hairy lovey pooches (still picking the feathers & dog hair out of stuff after visit :), too early to tell.

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