Friday, March 30, 2007

All Quiet in the House of Lords

So yeah, things are chill.

Made a fire on the barbeque for me & G. to relax by, as much as people with 8 kids between them can relax! Tonight it was my turn to make 18 phone calls and race home to stop the insanity. It happens. All is good. And all was good when we popped out for a half hour before grandma got involved. Her intentions were good. Nuf said.

Still being a Stoopidhead and generally topless at work, have I ever mentioned that I have a convertible and that is the topless part? As Yoda would say, "Too boring, now are you." Oh well, it is the truth.

That, truth, I suppose is really what this is all about.

So tell me, I have been working on this sculpture made of a potato on a camping trip for a few years and I figure it is nearly done. I placed it in this magnificent still life for all to wonder at (damn ended on a preposition... is "at" a preposition?). Anyway, you see the energy in the piece.
So what else? Happy to say most everything boring! Zen pool no longer a Zen pool, more like a pool-that-people-actually-swim-in, wow. Made it through 3 hard freezes and rocks! High-fives & knucks!
I'm working on my island hand greeting, still a bit rough. Do you knucks first or fist tap first? And which hand goes first, it's really complicated, Oh Johnny get in my face and tell me the way! But again a scholarly lad suggested the quote about time being so that everything doesn't happen at once, and if you think about that, from our human perspective, that's a damn good thing. We'd be like "WOW!" then explode. So time's a good thing (oh please tell me I didn't just say that).
Have I mentioned yet how hot G. is? He was sent directly according to specifications from the "in-between" right here to me. WOW! I think I'm going to explode. He's a completely ridiculous package of interesting goodies. Do you remember being a kid looking in the dentist's treasure bin trying to choose which little goodie you might pick that time? Or like Aladin's treasure, or winning the lottery without the hassle of what to do with the money. Our impossible relationship is devine.
Okay, so. Thinking about seriously taking a hip hop class and/or going to rehab. We'll see, there's always next week to sign up. Gonna talk to some experts and see what they have to offer, I'm kinda picky.
Good night my pushiggies!

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