Sunday, December 28, 2008

We are such stuff as dreams are made on. - Shakespeare

Man, the sun on the body really feels especially nice right now, shortest days of the year and all.

I met a nice man. He drives the shittiest beloved car on the planet; of coarse, you would figure that the ones that don't need to drive the draw cars probably don't need to, we'll see... Plus, he's saving up to get me the Charger; already got 12 strings to string, pings to pong, life a long!
He is a wise Pisces, destined for more more multiples of comeback than this Cancer lady will ever know, but I suppose at the higher levels (if you believe all of this shit) it SHOULD get harder to get to Ethereal fully. Apparently... Hey! Who has my Linda Goodman Love Signs book?
So, chilly as hell. Everything sort of real and cool. Found a blues place that plays Wed-Fri form 4-7 WTF wit dat! Place packed, salads amazing, wingz i hear, yum. I might actually buy 3 bar stools from the place, shiny, pretty, classic, funny, good.
I go now listen too, what really? The sound of sunset? A jostiling of metal and fire warmmers and callbacks from Momma to home against the chill night fall. The lucky buzz of the start of a streetlamp. The bustle and bulk of souls in my mid-block life of Holiday. Sweet. Savory.
Ahhh, always amazed. A Mox out.
Big heart.

Monday, December 22, 2008

On Christmas

Otherwise, the glad tidings of a rambling, what? What am I? Who am I? The ramblings of simply just Me.

Happy all days to you all! As TIME cycles. So funny. I am finally reading Jack Rerouac's On the Road, and he dabbles in Time rant, sure, I'm there. have ben there with him in the buues joints, sad and knowing. Good book. Next for me may be, likely, learning Dylan. Not on board yet, but daughter wasn"t willing to give him up then. Have I asked?

Yeah, that seems about right.

Just lived the other night, and it was a tad surprising. Have done that a few times lately. Simply beatific calm moments of raw engagement with LIVING and PEOPLE as we be. Nothing presupposed, nothing, unordinary, nothing unexpected.

Man, what a burden off of shoulders to know that simple paper is a great gift this year! and that is what my, well, everyone, is getting: paper, food and ammo. And who can't use duct tape? The fact that I even menion this puts me on the FBI checklist, so I will be likely sequestered and beaten until O takes the rains. Does anyone else use duct tape for gifts besides Mom & me?

Night All

Mox Yo!

Monday, December 15, 2008

Heart a Pitter-Patter, and Car Maybe Too?


Just a matter of TIME...

And also good listening:

Perhaps the finest beauty surrounds us... like now? :)

Best to All Souls, and especially you.

Love Mox

Saturday, December 13, 2008

Verdant Walnuts and Neil Young

Man, oh, man.

No better than this, eh?

I love Neil Young. "When we were strangers," harmonics, so pretty; pretty and soft.

Ahhh, kids me looking again, blind, ignorant. Hpoeful.

Mox de la Rose!

Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Hate Me, Love Me Holiday at 4am and Later..

Sky lit in domes of rainbow,
reflecting itself back again,
strawberry and smoke
clouds determidly pass.
Fire roars triumphantly
Sublimating drops
incesantly nagging at its licks.
everthing a glissssining rodent
smelling green. Breath...
As night falls tickling
around the edges.
I become more
ready me
ready you
And Know Idea (ha!) or Who really)

Ahh, the breath , the obligation, of wet streets sparkling wanten.

Monday, November 24, 2008

Need 2 Corelle Coffee Cups

Pan-fried, two pound T-bone, drooling
2 days to celebrate, eat sleek.

Monday, November 3, 2008

What if My Hands Could Help?

Does it matter what color? Does it matter what religion? Does it matter what party?

Does anyone know of volunteer org's that by into the "Imagine" credo that I can support?

what I like too about this piece is the leadup, nature crunching & singing in any park anywhere, anytime.

Vote for pretty possibilities tomorrow, hope, future, all of us one...


Saturday, November 1, 2008

Waxing Crescent 14% of Full

Random thoughts of post Halloween madness:

The sweet-smell haze of cherry cigar hangs deftly in the faint autumn air tonight, the day after. Air stilled and unloved by some poor fools, and Yet is. Simple immediate beauty, smoke rising toward Jupiter and the splinter Moon, she lights my step. Memories, daydreams, now; all same, all true, real.

Wisdom of the day: Swim in your unheated backyard pool in November whenever possible. Man! We are on year 3. Youngling said something that ringed true, "Things seem to live longer around here." And he's right. Pool way outlasted peer pools, and latex baloon on 3rd week! No way! Hermit crab feigns death once again, this thing is like 4+ years old; plus need to water the cute little bugger after dishes are done tonight, plants too.

"Okay, suck in your hips," great thing to say when you find yourself part of a group picture, especially when ladies are present, works better than "cheese."

I'm addicted to my book now and hate it, and my fantasy cuddling of the moment is this guy at work... We look at each other like aliens, quisitive and No Way, but I need some sex and cuddling, so we'll see.

Time to watch Borat for the first time and just lovingly deal with life.


Monday, October 27, 2008

Un-Doing the Magic of the Typical Moment, Adding Magic

Or realizining [lealising, and realighning?] the unbelievable teaching of the un-changeable. Perhaps more the latter for me.

Racing at 55-60 mph (believe me that is too fast on Hayden curvy!) on a safe known curvy road, topless & stoopid with kids & dog. Alone, fine. With others, I carry an amazing gratitude of safety for them. Will say that dude with HEMI squealed & smoked at last light

I will not do that again. just me? WAY! My fears: So scary, like Hayden bridge when flooded w/ Allie that we visited. Why did I need to see the the flood so bad as to go to the bridge with a youngling in hand? Was that safe?

I dare you, administrators, WHAT PICTURES CAN YOU PROVIDE???

As we, bloggers, struggle? Can you provide more support?


Sunday, October 26, 2008

Happy Halloween, My Darwinian Prayers are With You


And expect nothing more than a beautiful sweet day... full of blond unchecked sunshine :)

I do a WAY better pterdactyl than anything out there, so Boo!

My Pterodactyl is bad enuf to make co workers close their car windows at lunch; sorry, but all these guys need to really get in character and BE THE DINOSAUR, you wimps! Oh but good try, you did your best. I will eat you, and sneeze out the bone fragments (unless i choose to process the high calcium load, perhaps). WIMPS, cowards of the SCREECH!

Let the paws of truth smooth against you gently into futility, graceful and bright.


Friday, October 24, 2008

...wait, let me get Lennon on my headphones, k? this moondance song twilling yum; alas NEED the lennon, you know. And Oh shit! I have no automatic Lennon post, even tho you guys get some majorly, ugghh!

well, can never ever have enuf dis:

ever has some TIME reference, and never is silly to begin with ;)

Ok. that was not my spew d' jour, just perhaps a disgorge of today, eh?


The more you listen to this song, yes.

Hey ok, the other...

date a guy at work? he is way mello, like dat :). no idea of religion, yet likely swings my way politically [important]. For now, as exciting as sleep. (and sleep is yummy hot!) Renewed cuddle-plan In Progress.


Saturday, October 4, 2008

This is globally fun shit. Dance for real guys. Big heart fo deez folks!

that's like the best video ever! next to the Lennon video

or just this pretty yum:

millions times the better my heart, yum, yum!


Monday, September 22, 2008

Missing Man Hits Home

I appologise if the military flyover was too much. May have seemed a bit over-the-top for the dude-talk I was trasing, but the the tribute was soul-appropriate. Many close people have had death touch their lives recently, and this, perhaps, was a way that I could understand in some way.

So missing man:

AM: white car & black car, blinds 1/2 open, no people
PM: no cars, blinds all open, no people

I could put the Imagine YouTube here, but that is just what you'd expect, eh?

So this:

Love on,

This is my treat on re-watch if-do:

Friday, September 19, 2008

Missing Man & "Talk Like a Pirate" Day!

Yes, today is Arrghhh Matey officieyal "Talk Like aPirate Day!" go figure, eh? In honor of this event:

Nice! Happy "Talk Like A Pirate" day to you all! I need to lobby for the "Happy Screech Like A Pterdactyl" day. Watch your calendars...

The Case of the Missing Man

So, the back story is that there is this dude that lives up the street from me. He happens to live next to an aquaintance friend who has some scoop (rough divorce in progress, might lose the house, bla, bla, bla...), we've partied at same house at diff times.

One day, I was feeling comfortable in my skin, walking that day in an unusual rainy Spring day in the desert. That's when he appeared, moving rock in the front yard, not an easy task. We bumped, said Hi and I left. I was especially pretty, decked out in my way-old full-on brown leather camping jacket & yellow hunting shades, under, of coarse, the Raider's camping hat (keeping off the sprinkles). He was so nice. And as it turns out, that happened to be the weekend that the new Indiana Jones movie came out. Me, MAJOR unknowing nerd alert!!! So ME. It was a good, funny hello.

So anyway, kitty needs petting, k, done that, yet something is happening at his place. I drive past on my way to work 2X/day so me & kids have a guessing game on his life. Just hope all is well, the blinds were closed and only one car there for 2 weeks. Let's hope for great business travel or something. I need to get with my neighbor buddy's friend.

And is all this too much concern for a guy you don't know? It's fun and scary to guess what is happening in someone's life who is unknown.

Tuesday, September 9, 2008

Black Holes Swallow the World on Wednesday

Two lawsuits say that this test will create black holes that will effectively end the debate over conservatism or change tomorrow. This just in (like weeks ago) CERN is testing their super-duper cyclotron colider.

okay geeks rule, set up yo drool... in a rude way, and me here to play:

Okay, and some other cool pics for your Wed enjoyment:

It's why we're in the business baby!

Mox A Molecule

Sunday, August 24, 2008

Whole Lotta Love!

Wow! Great Soccer ball!

So what I meant to say was e.e.cummings:

i am so glad and very
merely my forth will cure
the laziest self of weary
the hugest sea of shore

so far your nearness reaches
a lucky fifth of you
turns people into eachs
and cowards into grow

our can'ts were born to happen
our mosts have died in more
our twentieth will open
wide a wide open door

we are so both and oneful
night cannot be so sky
sky cannot be so sunful
i am through you so i

e. e. cummings

WoW, the tower is pretty!

Did I Miss the Bus?

Where is my photo? Am I not real?

let's feel how life feels now, and see what next week brings. Sweet travel, sweet NY baby, sweet Littles. All transforming wonderment. ahhhh..


Tuesday, August 12, 2008

Thursday, August 7, 2008

Mel & A Breather

Holy Moly! Why am I letting stress affect me so bodily? So not right. Have I become a shut in, afraid of worldly torture? A loving being, too thin-skinned for war, liars, and energy sucks?

My fab Cornell kid had lunch with me yesterday at Butterfields (she leaves in less than 2 weeks, and that is damn far away!) and told me to get my passion fired up again. Make the hobby profitable, understand what you love and do it. Really do it. Man, I have a list of where to start.

Head East: Get some training in any kind of martial arts

Let Spirit Lead: Get off my own back and let the beauty of now happen

Release: Fear

Accept: Everything.

Have been doing this, accepting. Trying to understand people. Way bad vibe on pushy service manager at Ford today, what's up with that?! I drove in and said I needed a battery, he said I needed an [insert way expensive thing here that charges the battery, ALTERNATOR!], of which I declined and said, "Please put in a new battery." Actually asked for keys back at beginning and he would not give them back, "Oh no way would I drive this car another mile!!!" So dangerous!

I have good gauges, so my battery gauge was a bit fluxing. Idle: low battery, no radio; Running engine: fine battery signal, leads me to believe a new battery is needed, he thought otherwise, not sure why?

So the whole breather thing is that I need to go back ASAP to my girl for another massage. Want to see if her hands are as magical as I need them to be, have a feeling yes. :)

Let your love flow outward through the universe, To its height, its depth, its broad extent, A limitless love, without hatred or enmity. Then as you stand or walk, Sit or lie down, As long as you are awake, Strive for this with a one-pointed mind; Your life will bring heaven to earth. - Sutta Nipata

Wednesday, August 6, 2008

Believe in This

As my Youngling departs she leave me with this:

A trump to my Imagine windows, poss?

What about Dillan? She needs to leave me Dillan, spelled wrong? and so right? music for me! Hear that he was lyrical.

Dylan of da Day:


I am destined to go way into Dylan. Anyone think bad idea?

Get REAL with life, write & live. Feels right.


Tuesday, August 5, 2008

Drive Heart Thru the Moment

Living in the Moment

is right for One

Living in the Moment

is Right for Two

Living in the Moment

is all we Do




Perfect in that Moment

Right as Spirit

With two rich. Full, funny

Living in the Moment

is all we do...

Push fear from Soul

bring only love

wacky caring

as Thunder reminds

greater good of Life

knowing, caring, need.

Buddha on back wall

yellow painted hall

compelling brightness

within us All

Drive heart

PS: Cars are cool! New dude has this [see pic] with a, i swear, a 4" diameter pipe out the back! Major modified unit, racer dude, raked. No fast stuff with me yet, except I get to wake up in his arms. Wow! It has been years since I've done that and nobody knows that. He has no access to blog, yet, so let's see. He has Buddha on wall out back, dream catcher over bed, 2 big hairy lovey pooches (still picking the feathers & dog hair out of stuff after visit :), too early to tell.

Monday, August 4, 2008

On Butterflies, Burden, and Letting Go...


Ok, so the butterfly thing was off by 180 degrees; precisely because they are beautiful, makes you WANT to eat them. They must mate often. They fly slow, flitting delicately, super pretty and colorful. I watched one for 1/2 hour on my Lantana's thru the window (must have said this before no? it was profound.)

Burden of wanting more still torments me; working my zen on acceptance, so hard it seems. Great training at work, home, relationships. Need discipline of body. Major like of martial arts training in fall.

On Burden:

Can it be that the burden
is one of sweet lushiness
that wilts my leaves?
perhaps all is too much
simple brooming brings joy
and the softness of a gentle broom!
Delight :)
a tool gracefully brushing free Earth,
while fly on back seeks
sweet salty snack,

Okay, point 3:

Letting Go -
I have a teen moving/living across the country in 2 weeks. Affecting me more than I would have guessed. She has big box for Gramma to ship in the middle of her room. G, this is YINEEDU! Just Family shit. I had no idea it would hit me this way. Need support from friends. Don't get all up in my shit tho, cause have MAJOR work shit that is seemingly important NOW too.

All hot up in the Mox Box!
Rock on gang. We make life happen.

Sunday, August 3, 2008

Lennon Lit, Another


Pretty! Pretty!

Looking for love, as always, and finding some!

and this too!:

Mine is taking days to load, not sure Y, and never ever actually heard God before, maybe just a little patience is good, eh?

Smiles All!

Saturday, July 26, 2008

August Break & Corregated

Wondering when.

Energy convoluted, perhaps corrugated, and I hate corregated! Sleeping til noon to heal; looking for modes, and engaging in some healing activities. No vacation, no road trips, no dance, all taking toll on the Mox. Have a lot of other peeps vibes saying "this is very important" and I simply don't agree.

Not sure where my soul takes me, as I believe something else. Need rythm, need peeps of my hood, need mental health compassionate involvement. Gosh so happy to say this! It is as I feel.

Perhaps me dance tonight? Or cry & cry, and that okay too.

Time will tell...


Monday, July 14, 2008

When You are Getting Ready to Paint a Moth Gold...

Don't forget the dog factor.

Dead Moth, Gold Spray Paint, Hungry Dog, leave at least one of these out of the equation. (And if you leave out the dead moth it is the most interesting IMHO.)

Vet told me to put Skinny Sage on a diet so now I can't leave dry food out for her, so naturally she is always starving and looking at me to put food down for her. I don't like it and her sides are all sucked in now, yet she is getting the gaunt supermodel dog face that will attract the perfect mate; too bad she's spayed and the dude wouldn't care anyway as long as she smells right. That's her situation.

My situation was that I found a dead moth, beautiful one, dried and ready to turn to dust tomorrow in the shed. What to do with it? No trash. Back to Earth, that would have been good. Create art? Seemed like a good idea at the time. Alas, good Nature was against me, for a higher cause.

Step 1: So I get the bug on a piece of paper after confirming that the thing doesn't have a twitch of life left in it.
Step 2: Place it in a spot where the gold paint won't get on the patio, firepit, bench, etc.
Step 3: Ready the gold spray paint; hot out & paint stored in shed so shake can (with glass marble inside btw, know dat) carefully first, then more vigorously. Pry off cap, return to bug.
Step 4: Paint Moth. Where is Moth?!! Dog looking at paper on ground with a portion of wing hanging out of jowls.
Step 5: Wipe dog jowls and decide that it was really a better use of Moth than what otherwise could have been.

Dog didn't eat the grape stems that I painted gold a month ago, which landed me with my gay boyfriend. And I can't do that. I'm open minded, and he's the handsomest eager thing ever, but can I always have that doubt/knowledge. No. So we're done. And ughhh, the voice, everything, so endearing. Yet if I'm wondering who's wearing the heels tonight, just gotta say no to that stuff. Or not even that. Just if he likes guys better than me, I don't want to be second in a primary relationship.

Man, if you're married, stay married. If you found someone that you can live with, live with them! It's a bunch of risk taking crazies out on the dating scene for 46 year olds, fun, risky, stoopid...

Hey Stoopid Sept 5th! Didn't even bother to get 2nd ticket this year, I go nuts, can't even talk to friend or drink a beer because down in the pit getting Stoopid dancing. Ordered new album & Tee, yeah a Stoopid geek, me a be a me. Just the way it is.

And oh yeah! this brings up my next daily rant, or rant du jour (impressive foreign language use, i also know Viele Grusse, Best Regards but it has the way cool German S8 looking thing, nice):
Anyway, when I am presenting to my group (peers) or to SVPs is there any reason to be more professional? I say no. If I am leading a meeting with my peers it is the same as leading a meeting with SVPs. SVPs have gotten so much more hip and team spirited. And when your LEADING a meeting, you step up, no matter who. Am I wrong? Need to know B4 8/11.

ok, exhausted. One of the Littles, Tweens, went to Dr. without pants on (Costco boxers), he's 11, and without shoes today, acting casual until nurse dropped platter and he got called on barefoot! They serviced him, and that's the call i just heard about... :)

Moxation Live!

What I thought was going to calm for work... by now! Has turned into Sept. We'll see.

Wednesday, July 9, 2008

Pink Carnations Again

How can you be in love with Nothing? Or is Nothing really Everything? And where, what, how does that translate to reality?

Yellow shades tint my world
All Beings beautiful in perfection
expressed brilliantly, ruffled by peers
challenging my Zen

Hot, angry, composed, moments strike
and are lost amidst glowing, glamorous love

We can act on anything from fear, or from love

I am challenginging myself towards love.


Thursday, June 19, 2008

Life Goes On....

Wow! The colors really do get brighter! Reading a Positive Energy book right now with a she a confirming what is already happening. That's good tho, the thing that we all seek: confirmation of our own seeming individual thoughts and beliefs.

Ok, time for a drink & smoke in the shed. Judge as you will; it doesn't include sex in the shed too tonight, which I happen to also like, so there!

something to listen to while I'm gone:

I'm back now.

...okay so not really back yet but typing the, "Hi, I'm back," so that I don't have to say those pointless words as soon as I'm back and no longer care about having left the computer for 5 minutes! please! now I go...

almost actually went, then thought, "wow, maybe I should sit out front with the fountain," but that seems like a big commitment. Ok, right, quick smoke, back in, do dishes, email (or this thing rant), then sleep, perchance to dream...

Ahhh... I love smoking when 1/2 a cig makes you weak in the knees, yummy. k, so next? need a picture, let's check the phone for the latest, eh? Never posted the Charlie Brown tree doing well pic, surprised me a major! Dare it is, it even sprouted it's super pretty red bottle brushes this year, first year :)
Observance of the Day: Butterflies are pretty because they really have to be, otherwise everything else would eat them. I have some Lantanas that are like pretty yellow butterflies and tonight near dusk, one butterfly, let's call him Ted, decided to feed on the flowers that are against my front window. I watched from my book chair as long as I could, then, like I do with Hannibal, had to sneak up and REALLY watch without disturbing. It was so fabulous. Like one of those nature documentaries: this extraordinary thing dipping it's proboscis into the tiny Lantana flower tubes for yummyville, never caring about the propigation of all the other beauty that it carries on it's feet & body. Simply living instinctively. Simply Being. Simply beautiful.
Hannibal sporting his flashy shell & I work a yellow shirt today that says, "Hello Solstice! Bring it on!" There are really only 3 states of Being: Acceptance & Joy and some middle one. I accept and actually enjoy that I am tired now, I like to sleep at night.
Seems so simple, eh?
I appreciate that I can sleep at night, comfortably. Many have not my luxury; in body, soul or mind.

Wednesday, June 11, 2008

Guess What?!!

Chicken butt!

ughhh, and yes. listenening to the Lennon curtain-opening IMAGINE video over and over. I do the exact same thing on a smaller scale EVERY day, perhaps that is why it resonates so profoundly. Like really open up white curtains to the day against a baby grand dark piano base.

Man I hope that I really try to play the thing. It brings so much fun to a house to have a silly big piano, people just like to play it. Love dat!

Ok so sent boyz texts out, need some convo & still waiting. I don't like to wait. that being said, if anyone were to propose, either do it in water or even better yet at th waldorf astoria [?so ?] with the GOD food of waldorf salad.

OK, OK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Does TIME matter?

Time for random poetry:

a piece by e.e.cumm
ings tha
t I fee
lespecially in
volved wit
so, sha
re me will and apprec
a piece by a favor
ite po
et of mi

Ok, so that was my random, hard-read ee-esk poetry, if you will, to say the day. so here is ee"'s from the book:

i am so glad and very
merely my fourth will cure
the laziest self of weary
the hugest sea of shore

so far your nearness reaches
a lucky fifth of you
turns people into eaches
and cowards into grow

our can'ts were born to happen
our mosts have died in more
our twentieth will open
wide a wide open door

we are so both and oneful
night cannot be so sky
sky cannot be so sunful
i am through you so i

Holy socks-at-the-airport-Batman!

Or maybe just, yeah, duh. So live on...

Huge Smooches from da Mox.

Monday, June 9, 2008

Noan Chomski & Black Diamond Dylan

Man, I can't guess what is next! Best thing better than me a guess suppose, eh?

People are so done
ready for anyone to listen
Listen, Listen, Listen!
to people
birds & 7 BABY SPIDERS
hear tiny voices
deep with
the planets hummm...

shiny, smily moon
yet unseen
a trust of smoochy hope

Boo! from da Mox.
boocuoosmiles ;)

Tuesday, June 3, 2008

Hooray! No Bob Dylan Youtube Post So Far???

Great day today. Nailed a work presentation on critical 2009 launches.

No one will ever want to hear it this way but this is how it felt to me:
Was channeling my monk light better, thought of my love for the subject and the people who I was lucky enough to share the data with, and so much less of the "I'M PRESENTING."

Way good, still too nervous to be anywhere near monkdom, yet I aspire (getting rid of the "I" helps, yet, as with any communication, is more challenging in being than in writing. A good listener has a more trained Not-I).

Okay, so that is SO NOT what I wanted to say! yet probably needed, a growth event. You guys know that you're going to get the John Lennon again with yellow glasses and white opening blinds again & again & again?!! Like it hasn"t been 15 times so far! Pretty!

But Wait...

Poetic Intervention:

wait, let me load the lennon son so I can loop while writing... back in a sec...

As bad as I can be.

bugs will have to wait

great day :)
to Day


Monday, May 26, 2008

When Seas Turn Red

Yet Oceans run Blue
and Truth unknown
please speak
another's unknown
paw prints on elbow
persistant tickle probing
on and on
'til cry and knowing
pause of other's unknown
benign speak.

Wail! a chance at Beauty
scorned by compliance
Breath? breathe, ah...
at Once one apart
forced together
another day
mangled Love,
engaged in



Sunday, May 25, 2008

Phoenix Lands!

The Mars robot lands safely. Solar powered cute rover.

I'm off to enjoy the warmth of a shower, the touch of a human, the taste of vice, the light of night. Water flowing sparkling in light of movement, star-pointer directed.

A bit of a fleshy-fun thing, but why else are we here? Okay, except to help each other. Have enjoyed a fine day, weekend, week, life, of that... And that is wonderful.

Moxie Rose

Thursday, May 22, 2008

Understanding Your Nothing Can be Good

Ms. Cornell wants & needs nothing more than a gfixed radiator, that's perfect in my world; what could be better? She needs it fo da summer only. Me liking possible insurance redux comes quick. Never really did believe other parents saying that it goes up 4X! like NO WAY!!! And like WAY, IT DOES. So fixing the crashed car w/o rental cov,


Sunday, May 18, 2008

Grappling For Another Moment of Beauty

Sitting on a cornflake.

huge hugs huge hugs huge hugs

huge hugs huge hugs huge hugs
huge hugs huge hugs huge hugs huge hugs huge hugs huge hugs huge hugs huge hugs huge hugs huge hugs huge hugs huge hugs huge hugs huge hugs huge hugs huge hugs huge hugs huge hugs huge hugs huge hugs huge hugs huge hugs huge hugs huge hugs huge hugs huge hugs huge hugs huge hugs huge hugs huge hugs huge hugs huge hugs huge hugs huge hugs huge hugs huge hugs huge hugs huge hugs huge hugs huge hugs huge hugs huge hugs huge hugs huge hugs huge hugs huge hugs huge hugs huge hugs huge hugs huge hugs huge hugs huge hugs huge hugs huge hugs huge hugs huge hugs huge hugs huge hugs huge hugs huge hugs huge hugs huge hugs huge hugs huge hugs huge hugs huge hugs huge hugs huge hugs huge hugs huge hugs huge hugs huge hugs huge hugs huge hugs huge hugs huge hugs huge hugs huge hugs huge hugs huge hugs huge hugs huge hugs huge hugs huge hugs huge hugs huge hugs huge hugs huge hugs huge hugs huge hugs huge hugs huge hugs huge hugs huge hugs huge hugs huge hugs huge hugs huge hugs huge hugs huge hugs huge hugs huge hugs huge hugs huge hugs huge hugs huge hugs huge hugs huge hugs huge hugs huge hugs huge hugs huge hugs huge hugs huge hugs huge hugs huge hugs huge hugs huge hugs huge hugs huge hugs huge hugs huge hugs huge hugs huge hugs huge hugs huge hugs huge hugs huge hugs huge hugs huge hugs huge hugs huge hugs huge hugs huge hugs huge hugs huge hugs huge hugs huge hugs huge hugs huge hugs huge hugs huge hugs huge hugs huge hugs huge hugs huge hugs huge hugs huge hugs huge hugs huge hugs huge hugs huge hugs huge hugs huge hugs huge hugs huge hugs huge hugs huge hugs huge hugs huge hugs huge hugs huge
left note for table man hugs huge hugs huge hugs huge hugs huge hugs huge hugs huge hugs huge hugs huge hugs huge hugs huge hugs huge hugs huge hugs huge hugs huge hugs huge hugs huge hugs huge hugs huge hugs huge hugs huge hugs huge hugs huge hugs huge hugs huge hugs huge hugs huge hugs huge hugs huge hugs huge hugs huge hugs huge hugs huge hugs huge hugs huge hugs huge hugs huge hugs huge hugs huge hugs huge hugs v ;)

huge hugs huge hugs huge hugs

the palm lives pretty

huge hugs huge hugs huge hugs

good weekends don't need any explanations...

Thursday, May 15, 2008

Rant on God

So yeah, like driving a convertible Mustang in a resort town with bleached blond hair wasn't enough!

And deal with the tide of false impresions of a kid off to Cornell. My ghetto life...

I live so lucky and wow! amazed at what happens. It really is like Life is a Dream now, and a good dream. Things are pretty and the blue-blocker shades do change your perspective, if you can handle it. It's way intense; and not "cool" looking most everyone gives the hmmm...nuts side-glance, which for some reason I seem to like. So I suppose it suits me.

The way the sunbounces the light off of things is pastel and beautiful now, weaaring yellows, fractile and crisp and amazing. Just driving to work...


Rant on God, well, have pages, good news me thinks, la'er.

Monday, May 12, 2008

Dark Mox

Maybe it's the fact that I don't watch "News" or maybe just the horrifying scale of these tragedies, or maybe the underlying vulnerability of the coming latest bio-plague (bird-flu?) that corrects our human consumption issues... whatever it is, these stories kill my soul. I have an abhorrence for the "fear-living" we have been told to live; flying under orange warnings for years now, yet I live today.

Just like the wars, as countries & poeples & religions stand against one another, we will never reach the Peace and Love that every individual human Being needs and is capable of Now; and guarantees the overall need of our evolution towards Harmony and Acceptance, as a whole, as a Oneness that transends; hell, say Books, Math, Religion, stupid Borders, Colors. All of the imaginary boundries and separations that we put in our way of Being together, within, and with-on. An evolved, loving entity that flows, ebbs, moves, grows, and delights of this Earth.

As a Scientist, I understand math and why the sky is blue, yet as a poet, philospher and artist (as we all are!), I also get excited by my yellow goggles, the amazing fractile green trees, water bouncing sunlight, flowers! The world is pretty.

So back very dark, and unfortunately very real. What are we to learn from this? That is all I can ask.

Cyclone in M:

and earthquake in C:

Just news press stories, (ha just!) but some of my colleagues didn't even know about one of these, and I am the non-news person, hmmm...

I commit to try. To help, please tell me how! To make this place a better place, on a grand level. And yes, I leave you once again with the video/song/lyrics that continue to resonate completely and persistently for me, and perhaps some other folks.

I like this particular piece for many reasons of egoless love and can't resist it's beauty:

Moxie Rose

heart out!

I pa

Sunday, May 11, 2008

Once Apon A Time...

I decided to paint a hall yellow. Perhaps to compliment the Great Green Wall, or just flow from the, "Wow, that's a bright kitchen."

Seems quite natural to me right now. So much beauty & excitement when one looks for it.

Life is too short for Beige!

Big Hugs & Smooches All,

Oh, and the beer pic? kinda hopeful really, my vision is looking at a cute Mr. Raggy T-Shirt T3 Table Man sipping one with me in the front yard near the fountain. Dropped a note, no fantasy, only reality will really do...

Wednesday, May 7, 2008

Danger! Electrical Cords Can Be Dangerous

That's the bookmark that suddenly became available when I opened up the book to the following insight:

)when what hugs stopping earth than silent is
more silent than more than much more is or
total sun oceaning than any this
tear jumping from each most least eye of star

and without was if minus and shall be
immeasurable happenless unnow
shuts more than open could that every tree
or than all life more death begins to grow

end's ending then these dolls of joy and grief
these recent memories of future dream
theses perhaps who have lost their shadows if
which did not do the losing spectres mime

until out of merely not nothing comes
only one snowflake(and we speak our names


Transcribed directly from prose, Page 16
book 50 Poems, e. e. cummings from Universal
mine has a 1940 copyright & pink e's allover the cover,
way cool random ref shit


Monday, May 5, 2008

Hey Maybe a Bit Monkish Today!

Dailogue between myself. As this great journey transfolds, I ask the Master,

Q: What do you know now?
A: Not much.

Q: Then what do you hope to glean from the time that you have left here?
A: To know more of nothing.

Nuf fo da Mox today!

Living, actually living, this life of discovery and openness (as shitty as I am at it!) has really surprised me so far. What if I could get good at it? What if I could not have an "I" in it at all?

Monday, April 28, 2008

Spring Yang

When you choose not to be over-booked, and live life OVER books, do you know how cool that really is?

All wordy explaining is inadaquate. Essentially it means that you get it [bring conciousness to this world] and are living it. No discovery on my part makes it any more meaningful, it just IS.

Hope for offspring is actually NOW, as well as hope for us as human Beings.

Such great lessons come from those we deem great, in the huge sence of being, not inferior, yet in some way lesser, than ourselves. So not true. Neither state is true really.

Open our souls to the lessons and be amazed by their instinct, embrace our existance. Often you have a body that reacts to events other than your goals.

Maybe the true dilema is making a habiting-this-planet-life vibe with the one spiritual life that keeps us all together? That is my belief; and really nothing else matters.


Saturday, April 26, 2008

Completely Fictitious Love Affair

I have decided that I am going to conduct a completely fictitious love affair with a man that I don't know but who is cute. This is how it works: I will leave him contact with the blog yet no other contact info. We don't know each other at all, 'cept maybe only in the fleeting & glancing way that is more real anyway. After a few months of this we will either never meet, or meet, both of which are completely acceptable, and truely out of my control.

First step: Grandparents mailbox. Details to follow...

Present & timeless,

Have to include the sweet YouTube of the Day:

I got thru half before a kiddo came up and about 90% before I got bored/distracted (that's good!) but I really enjoyed the first few minutes. Funny tho, the images skipped thru in the back half were stronger and did not get the attention that they deserved. Hmmm... That is soley a Youtube effect; keep it under 3 minutes. This stuff is supposed to be bounced & shared, right?

On to steaks for me & da mkid, and Yeah Baby! Some Austin Smiles.

Friday, April 25, 2008

Zen Math

Suppose that I have a pac of Tic tacs & 3 out of a total 17 total are white (love them) & the balance are green (like them). What are the odds that I will be satisfied with any random pull of a tic tac?

Suppose that the Universe is on Orion's belt, and that I have a cat named Tigger. What are the odds of my seeing the Universe? [Must know the given fact that I watch Men in Black movie religiously].

Suppose that I have 2 young lifeforms co-inhabitating my experience tonight, how does that influence my need for Tic Tacs and the Universe?

Smiles from da Mox!

Sunday, April 20, 2008

Blogging & Beating Off

Man, for all the words lying around on the table, can't believe I haven't posted since the 7th! like yikes, need more spew than that, eh? OMG! Huge sweet guy energy yesterday, he's gone now but what a guy, reminded me of G only a bit more like my brother Chuck, that's a good thing. More size compatible yet still wrangly in an old t-shirt (and me at my finest too! no shower, walking dog.) simply followed the signs... K, gotta go, G may come help me swing-my-pretty and be a good friend tonight. Tomorrow I get to see Erick with a K! All okay! I wonder if Erick & Sweet energy Robert are married. Forgot to check. And I'm shut down on that shit or lit up if the wife says ok, to me face-to-face & in writing! and probably really no anyway if it's all that complicated. Anyway, today, and more appropriately NOW feels a little funny, like na noo na noo funny. Unreal in my appreciation of Being. Struggling as we all do, realizing the Spirit in Everything, and trying to breathe worth into each moment. That said I know that "worth" is not the goal of the moment. and so perhaps I may work to bring Being into the moment, so comforting that Being thing. Oh and yeah, I like beating off. And I think that it is good for your receptors and mood too. So There. Mox Disclaimer: Many words or concepts may be distorted because I have no desire to look back on what has been written in this blog. You will know this by now. Open Heart & Rose-Colored-GlassesDamn.

No video uploag happening but go here for a beautiful experience

amazing the good here if you seek it (like everything, eh?)


Monday, April 7, 2008

Caldron of Technology

As Spring reality tranfolds
summer dreams of awakened Next, to me
rises. spritz from wavecrest splash!
cold and fresh, aghast knowing
another wave forthcomes, soon! soon!
watch, no TIME, watch, move, live.

breathe as sea silence allows,

Did I mention that my youngling is going to Cornell? Yep, cut a check 2 days ago. So proud!!! She got in on an art portfolio, 1 of 30 @ Cornell, now she debates a science, say Physics/Astrophysics major as being more "enjoyable" for a real job when done. Go figure, eh?

Breathe as sea silence allows,

Mox Amazed

Monday, March 31, 2008

Hierarachy Shifted?

My daugeter got REJECTED by NYU yesterday, yeah, the coveted New York University, one she wanted, ranked down there with... where I went to college, perhaps a year, eh! Too funny. Oh, good news as of today at 5 pm? SHE WAS ACCEPTED AT CORNELL. Yeah, me chill Mom, soakin' it. Can't help but be subtle and claim it is all her hard work. Totally true! Makes it even more funny/ironic for me. And it started as impossible, so ironic is fun! My mom has always given us this urgency of awareness. I think that my daughter has that instilled in her being, a sence in the literal science-magic that i experience. So much yum. tonight perhaps to join you in this, my past Saturday HOUR: Licks all! Mox

Saturday, March 29, 2008

Ready To Go Dark!

Tonight from 8 - 9, Earth Hour. We even hing a flag out front to promote. Has the Mox become a tree-hugger?

I do like the hypocritical HOLAS lifestyle. Maybe even someday (hah! someday, what a vice!) I will ahve for realz a cause.

Until then, lights out around the globe from 8 - 9 local time, candle power, walk with kids to see if anyone knows, and go from there!

Mox-A-Million - Hope :)

Sunday, March 23, 2008

Happy Easter, And No Easter At All

Funny, I feel the same way. What is Easter, what has it become? For me it is a day to reconnect with the planet, reinforce ideals, plan to help others. No day of "church" or even huge obligatory family gatherings; we just got together and partied when we welcomed Spring last week. In my heart of hearts, I believe the intent is really the same, unless you are really religious i suppose.

any thoughts?

Pretty outside! cleaned the zen pool. Can't ask my guy, need inter-action, yet he needs the cool. So left with this are you:

Dirty Black
a starlit twilight
littered with stars
against a drowned moon.

Dirty Bright
Gray clouds hang
as rifts of rain
wet my day

Piercing green everything
forcing STOP, as red
and flowers too.

watered flowers blossom
ever against a springtime moon.

a smiling winker ;)

Technology, and this is real:

Wednesday, March 19, 2008

The Best Part of a Day Can Sometimes Be...


Waking up? Most always that is nice. ;) Most people don't even appreciate it tho. I have shifted my morning mantra from what I have to do, to what I choose to do, and that is fab!

Always the music, or perhaps the Muse, she is my main guide now. Yes, SHE! Supernaturatural Holististic Energismism, yes. Probably a member of the Global Inclusion Society of America, tm.

Pic of green wall still pending; phone pic muted. Does anyone have a clue if colors are good for kids?

I am WAY in favor of color, yet some can make you shakie...?

Still looking for a man. Man! Wish I didn't like the little hairy bastards so much! Men are WONDERFUL, so different from me, and iF we're to describe girly, well, getting there.

Simply Again,


Friday, March 14, 2008

Twice In One Night!

Stamina back up.

OMG, romantic stuff. I love discovering things. My least favorite discovery of last year was that of a waxed back, way yucky! Guys, don't wax your backs! No matter how hairy, eeuuhh! it was a sticky back, isn't that 10 times worse? How do you rub/pet/stroke someone sticky? yuk! Just IMHO, of course.

Speaking of which, I know that it is a holiday for some, yet I am still hopeful of the manlink. Danm, don't know why I like the clever-brained testosteroned ones, but I do. Yum, Yum, Yum!

And the diaphanous curtains can be a major joy kill. All my bouncy jump-play goes away and makes house feel small and tight. We'll see. They are mounted. Green wall ASAP depending on family and major wang, I mean Yang events, that hve 1 out of 16K chances of actually ocurring.

The way I look at it is that I believe that I can walk on water, or so could you, it's just a matter of belief & probability, so what's the point again?

Dog skittering! Bad dog! What did I feed her? No landing strip so suppose we are ok.

I go back to The. Monk and listen as Mox will, woeful and hopeful; wakefully dreaming of bumping into him.

Smooches all,

I Need a Vacation

Perhaps a nice quiet island in Dubai, yeah, that sounds relaxing...

I actually have to earn my money these days and it is becoming a bit taxing. Especially as the weather gets nice and I get topless and Stoopid again. Oh well, bonus was good enough to most likely keep the house; and the whole resort town, resort car, resort music thing makes every day a smile. Still looking for my cabana boy and since nobody was willing to drive tonight, I decided to pick up a curtain rod from Target and I'll spend my time with that tonight.

Gonna paint some walls bright green and the hall yellow too, and see if I can handle all the energy. I should get B4 and AFT pics, have you guys seen the kitchen? BRIGHT! I have to dump phone pics again...

Work is actually super right now, lots of responsibility and decisions and standing up, getting name out there. Had a lady from corporate communications say to me in a meeting the other day, "So you're [Moxie Rose]! I see your name everywhere." That's got to be good (unless I am getting the Brittney Spears kind of press, I suppose).

Everything is green outside, can't wait for inside wall to be too, so must go paint and feed offspring.

Drooling at my keyboard,

Monday, March 10, 2008

And Yes, Magic Works, Plus Major CLMs, Networking!

On Work:

This is one of those quarters (Q108) where I jump blindly into the swimming pool, hopefully full of water & warm, just trusting all of those people that helped push me off the diving board! Most all aspects of life, work for sure. Well, I will keep the house, and most likely keep the job, man they're more nutz than me at this point, go figure...

On Sex and/or Relationships:

There is this Pavlov's dog thing associated with pink heels and men. I thought it might be the boob dress, the giant glasses (all which push it), yet the pink heels are the over-the-top item is dressology (TM)

On Magic/Insigh/Chi as relates to Personal Experience:

Anyone have any insite on "magic"? I am totally lost on magic and see it as nothing more (and nothing more beautiful) than Chi. I am getting vibes that Chi isn't even religious, and when you really read it, that it so true. It is simply living. Simply being. Of course. You know I would love any religion, say Taoism, that supports no dogma and has kharma (for example: Random Acts of Kindness: buying the dude in line behind me a coffee at the drive-thru, turning around for the kid's lemonade stand while at lunch. You know?). That religion of Global Spiritual Inclusion. Creating a stimulated, energised youth.

And why not stimulate the Boomers? Brightest, experienced minds, creative and openminded directive. Pull this group, feed with Legacy. Give them a legacy, a reason to know that if they pick color 524 and fragrance 214, they execute a superior product for...

holy shit!

guess how much I need sex?


Nuf said,


Sunday, March 2, 2008

Happy Leap Year!

And A day, eh?

Mine quite boob-a-liscious! Pearls and a pretty tight burgandy swishy thing. Can't tell you where I got it or the magic might rub off. Still seeing if the magic dress really works...

All good. Tons of good energy flowing. Keeeping it clean and ready and open; hopeful.

Smooches youz!


Sunday, February 17, 2008

New York Book Deal

Think it real, it IS real!

Just back, first class flight to New York, as a writer. :)

Sweetest humans contact, fab. Make me smile, they do.

Okay, so my interpretation:



Sticky pallet
children laughing
all clean and
ready for
comes my way
paid and priced
so nice
so deserved?
This One
able in desire
burning fire
lights my everyday
as tough children,
laugh, in lamplight.


Thursday, February 7, 2008

I Know, More Pictures But Deal

Pause tremers call
the sanguine squall
meaning tall
and forbidden

duly posted
and tossed
strewn a throw
'gainst angers blow

Breath from under
cave of squander
breathe anew.

Fresh fresheners dampen
a daylight rich in splendor
frivolous squander a new?

Poised in quandry
unlimmited foundry
sirens and silence call

days of wonder
tease my plunder
yet awake again in hue.

So like what? Makes so much tangible sense to me. Okay, time to check Aja tiger and off to slumber.

Mox ;)

Should I Patent A Dipping Noodle?

It could really be cool, say like a penne, slightly bigger, except when in processing/forming they could put a blow nozzle to expand the tip of the noodle into a spoon-like scupula. These would be great for snacking, just have a cold bowl of Noodle Dippers and some hot marinara, alfredo and garlic dipping sauces, yum! And, I dare say, take a quarter of the noodles and deep fry them, then serve amoungst the wigglers. Wow. Must try this on the kids, sounds too fun.

MM Trademark seems to be going thru system, hooray! Applied for another patent at work too.

Trying to live by the motto:
Out of fear, is born regret.

Out for this Leadership position, essay due next week. Also off to NJ next week for a cosmetics formulation course. Booked the Manhattan skyline for morning coffee, dazzling. And good chance (booked too) first class on way home for first time ever! Eat, drink, sleep, movie, read, man! 5 hours is gonna fly!

Have to write a 2 page essay on leadership, feel like a high-schooler, but hoops a must the Mox for da next level...

Smooches y'all,


Saturday, February 2, 2008

My Jewish Carpenter

Ah, well, suppose that I rein true!

Me is Chi-bound. Need an undestanderererer.

As another heart
breaks against the waves
to a thunder of light
Sparkling, radiant,
and cheers near!
barking dogs query,
choppers neary,
Angst in bed ready
Rest my head
for another day...


Smiling Mox.


Me gets good jeans and, me thinks check it out!

Winkinreal Mox.

Thursday, January 31, 2008

all is well, tired as hell

something from last summer. live in the desert, it was like 45C outside this day.

Pink Carnations for a Baby Bird

i let you die today,
too busy
about my world.

a choice, a chance,
ahead of now.
you lie screaming for help

fuzzy, fluffy ball of down,
squealing silently upward,
pink and glossy,
in the morning sun,

just beyond grasp,
behind my shield of glass,
i am allowed to watch you die,
in my busy world.

i walk away
and forget you
as oven breath

now quiet and bent
in the silent hot wind
dried from the inside
frozen in gasp

i stand

Monday, January 28, 2008

Super Bowl!

Are the Saints even in the Superbowl?

A Monk perspective.

Having fun with a jewish carpenter, yeah, like for realz! Artsy dude who might just understand Biting My Nails and?

Sunday, January 27, 2008

Horney Human High

What is it about being alive that makes you want to get some? And is that so wrong? We have all these damn nerve endings, whose plan was that?!! Then we're thrust (yes, I said thrust) into this world of complicated "other beings that want some too."

Hey WAY need to know this, who knows the rules on where to put the . [period] in relation to a quote at the end of a sentence? REALLY need to know, any resources?

So, besides that rant, think I'm going to get a firepit in next couple. And what's even moore amazing, think I'm actually going to USE it. Like often. You know how I am prone to tossing a couple of logs on the barbeque and huddling around calling that a fire? Well, they actually make these things that are not only decorative (and lower to the patio ceiling!) and have a place for you plate or glass yet they have a place for logs that burn in the center, way cool. All for less than $200. Probably have to rip the roof off the Stang to get it home, but man, that will be cool. What's worse, I even saw the one I want, and if you know me at all you know that it is already in my backyard glowing and crackling delightfully. But I am trying to be patient... ughhhh!!!

So a rainy day poem (call me B if you think too depressing, actually feeling good and dumping all "stuff" feels ten times better. Did I tell you that I'm writing a book? Guess what it's called? Yep! Got the TM applied for and searching, hopefully I will get it):

Rainy desert,
weeping soul
dangles a red thread
of art fancy.
Greens perked and swollen
hanging glazed
against a radiant gray.
Plastic blues
and reds jazz false pleasure.

Biting My Nails
coated again in blood
fleshy and unreal
yet me

Aluminum tree against my window
as time ticks on
animal path so clear
guitar on wall
addiction on call
to jump so fall!
or soar, sore and open.
birds on wire chatter dog's admire
walking in the rain
smiling umbrella.

Nuf dat!

Time to make that dinner out of those ingrediments [sic] above and feed my NY bound photographer her veggie-mite dinar

Did I mention that I replaced my swag lamp over piano with an old beat up tarnished copper thing from Goodwill? It's twisted a bit, so I figure it's a perfect fit. Looks really good if you squint!

Loves All,
Moxie Rose

Monday, January 21, 2008

Spent the Day on Art

Plan to do more of that this year.

Saw Juno in AM, watched Charlie Rose and Oprah, a day well spent on soul intake, and finished hippie kitchen and made progress on books plus wrote. All as planned and so fully fabulous.

Dark side? No sit ups or walk, back hurting bad wearing one of those heat pads. Laptop on bed no bueno of a twisted sit posit, need to rectify ASAP! Back on table station tonight, much better for writing and scrambling emails.

And pics are cool yet poems are cooler, SO DEAL YOU!

besides dealing with bluetooth and blackberry and a desktop with that and a laptop with this, not to mention the new iTouch iPod, k, bragging about my free stuff, burden of plenty, yes! Trying to get these things to communicate is almost as bad as people communicating, or exactly the same really. And where do I fit in?

Pretty much stumbling thru another glorious day wanting more... more what tho?

Curtain dance,
in False breeze,
glory wrapped,
in colors pink
& gold
art unfold.
secret told.
future behold!

Stir-fry time, then sleep, then my work as a Scientist, not nearly as fun as my work as a writer, eh?

Let's see what happens next!


Tuesday, January 15, 2008

Hey, Back Sick & Happy!

I think I have that thing where the stuff eats your body parts, like rhinovirus, or hantavirus, the rat droppings killer disease, or even maybe, with a substantially higher calculatable probability, a cold. Looks like I'm possibly gonna live so found some more music for 2008.

Have no idea what 311 is about at this point, 2 albums on order, so gonna find out.

Also love this guy/group the dude on the piano, never saw him before, wow, funny what you think and what you see! :

Dog groomed, no more orange head for her nor me, she looks more like a forelorned deer. And pic adding seems to be mui elusive.??

Mox out.
Smooches, y'all.

Wednesday, January 2, 2008

sometimes all you b