Thursday, April 5, 2007

Enough is Enough

Has anyone actually encountered a Phlat Ball? Ours is the XT model and like WOW! It is basically a frisbee that turns into a ball after 3 seconds; 6-7" in diameter the thing is swift, tight, and fun beyond belief. Even the the coloration is right on. Try this trick to impress friends and family (straight from the commercial): have the kiddo flatten the device and toss onto the roof with all of the parents full attention, wait 3 seconds, pop! it turns into a ball and rolls right off, much to the delight of every broom-dragging, roof-climbing, ladder-swearing adult within eyeshot. The best toy I have ever seen actualized since the slinky. Oprah should give them away this holiday.

So, the sad, well not really so much sad as it is just real, is that me and G. have STILL never eaten more than a tic tac together! Can you believe it? He had to cancel lunch on Wednesday for scientific reasons, that, as he explained, involved people being people on the job. Can't argue that, my people are so comfortable being themselves lately that I personally just love them all. Even when they make you go hmmm?

I seem to have become comfortable, no real reason, yet calmer. G. & Me are doing the best that we can. The lightening bolt above is striking water and that is how we meet: occasionally, intensely, and beautifully. And he's so funny and silly and delicious! I am a strong believer in that the definition of a "relationship" can only be defined by the engaged parties. That is very powerful, and transcends any modern (archaic!) traditions or relations in my opinion. OK, nuf about him & me!
What is the low down for dance classes for an old woman HIP HOP! wanna be? Had a smidge of jazz as a thirty-something, so floor work known, but what are the real challenges, how should I exercize the body, mind & soul for this (i'd try to spell jonrha, but way off...). Like suggested music to feel the rythm and get into it?
I'm bored writing this, so you're bored reading, if you are awake still. Reads like a Steven King novel. "...and the spider turns into a horrible laughing clown."
Holy Cow! I think I wrote this a day or two ago. Oh, well, it looks long so likely has a meer pittance of knowledge within...
Hopeful Mox

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