Monday, April 30, 2007

Let's Go! Or Why Contractions are Dangerous.

Man, it's been another lifetime since I last wrote. Wait, need to find just the right writing music... & turn magic lamp on & get embibery set... okay, Dave Matthews Before These Crowded Streets a playin'. Okay for some Stoopid reason, the Dave is grating on my nerves, too romantic... Tried to go System of a Down and no CD inside, wonder where the hell that is? Okay going to rip The Bends, Radiohead, that will take the edge off.

Nice waxing gibbous out there. Here's a song for a beautiful night:

Way big G angst, him worse than me so it makes it so hard to talk to him, exactly like when you observe a particle you change it, that whole nightmare; and yet it's impossible not to observe (feel). Ughhh... The story is that G's changing jobs and I got news yesterday that his ex is willing to relocate anywhere, their only criteria is it must be warm. There's some stuff here in the Valley so we'll see. They have nothing else to keep them here, and have already moved continents; last I heard he's looking at Colombia, best reference. Darn these global professional markets! (Of course, if it weren't global for people these days I never would have been able to check, "Do an Australian" off my things-to-do-before-I-die checklist right? Live and die by it.

Which reminds me, I better pay bills tonight or Peter and Paul are going to talk and I'll be living with 3 kids in a (barely) 4-seater Mustang convertible near someone's shed! Must avoid that. Way good news is that G & me have an intense focus on living now as much as possible and when we are together it is very sweet, a nice dream in reality. I let Spirit guide me, she know's the way (Spirit is my horse, I'll try to send a pic soon).

So the Top 1 Reason That Contractions are Dangerous

#1. Let's Go!
Slightly Stoopid, a silly-fun modern rappy cute group is coming in August. Me & G have been waiting and me surfing a tad to see when I could see them live, this is a G-band that is something I have held but never held onto until now, like know the lyrics now, and a year ago it was fun... so anyway, and they're coming with G-Love (dudes on the DMB cruise to near the Atlantis a couple years back). If the tour were a laser it would be set on stunning, baby! Way best ever, still looking for my shoes from the cruise...

Oh, so, contraction lesson: Let's Go! breaks down into, Let Us Go, and if the the other has no clue what state they'll be in when the show hits a few months out, then the US is essentially removed and you are left with Let Go.

That is my today.

I'll be there for sure, but all of us have agreed not to buy tickets early. Ever-- trying the keyboard upright rather than flat and silly, so used to texteing that my typing is so Off on symbols, anyone? Need some love. You're gonna see me cry thru another one I'm afraid.

Ok, nuf duh (as I would say to G)! nuf duh! for me, he is really good at telling me when to chill, and not "telling" more like a sweet reminder or soft voice to help. I need that so much right now, my biggest fear of losing the G., bra rattling now, it's him...

Hung up, had to push tears, don't want to admit it, that and pretty much can't, just bawling. I know that if you push me off the bed, I'll land on my feet, just sorry, a bit goozy, all I can do heart, probably reactive hormones with this bloody device, SHIT! i have none of the answers!

G called, he has a rollercoaster of things to tantilize my soul and sparkle my mind, the emotions can take the hit, as above. Just really like talking to him. I'm gonna try again to breathe now.

Everything is...

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