Monday, February 26, 2007


Sunday proved quite friendy. Mr. Hong Kong (times 2!) turned both nice, and I was out topless all day with a birthday girl [friend agreed to some touring around and free drinks in the convertible Mustand with the top down in the sunshine], life might suck but it doesn't really seem to, from the tourist perspective.

Gelatonous monologue
slog thru thee
trust and honesty
waiver free
spewing hope
garner eyelight draw
sun to moon
the braided awe


It's always interesting to see what I mean the next day with these.


Saturday, February 24, 2007

Hong Kong for the Day

So, a friend of mine was supposed to take me into the city for some fun. I thought he liked me. I got this great body grope from him at a friends recent 50th birthday party. Had the girls all perked and ready, the lips were pursed to test this dude. No action, he fell asleep (and so did I but I didn't tell him that).

But alas, tonight I snuggle the girls in plaid fleece, wear the moonstone, resist the smoke, answer eHarmony and enjoy myself. Not such a bad life I'd say.

Tomorow (which, if you're in Hong Kong might be today): Matsuri festival, I'm pretty good with a bow staff, so that should be fun.


Thursday, February 22, 2007

Computer Finally Reveals the Answer to Being

This is what blog text will look like when you are descumming your computer setup:



I say that that makes about as much sense as any religion here on earth, as "the answer." Actually really surprised at all the numbers, I was cleaning the keyboard but if you take a look at things the numbers protect the letters, or another, more boring way to look at it is, we use the letters much more often on a keyboard.

So the logic follows: we clean 20% of that that we actually use 80% of the time, and we clean 80% of the periphery that we use less than 20% of the time. And a huge WOW! My mouse, flatscreen, and crumbcatcher are so nice and clean; it feels better.

Did I mention that laser tag is cool? I have this great bruise on my arm from hiting a wall at 90 on a ramp chasing two 10-year-old little girls, defending BLUE base. They retreated.

And did I mention that, if you choose not to take laser tag seriously, you are basically a nerd running down the hallway with a laser pointer? Seems to me a perfect fit for corporate gaming. Made the reco, we'll see.

Any of you hinterland techies that deal with this blog admin need any geeky scientists? Particularly in Phoenix, great hotbed of biotech starting.

Smoke the bitches,

Monday, February 19, 2007

Laser Tag is Sweet!

Next time red dies! Blue dies too, too easy. I only fell down one ramp, a mere stumble with th gun dangling. So, yeah, just got home after 3 rounds, in the car with the top down, not too much rain for we campers.

Any ground is cool here.

The pull is. is

Friday, February 16, 2007

Topless Wonder!

Just love the old convertible Stang; so ridiculous pseudo-racing people thru the streets of town; top speed 30 mph! What's with the human thrill of pulling a couple Gs? Suppose it goes back to my wanting to be an astronaut...

How are your streets out there? What's happening?

Afternooned at the Gelato Spot, phone out, looking like a city girl. It is too funny to get a double-take on your phone!

I am in a place of mirth and it is completely fun, like completely. As long as I continue to beat back every fear, every next moment is stronger.

For some stupid reason I seem to fear "not being on time" to [somewhere where other people think that they need me to be at a certain time]. At the same time I feel that time is not...

Dave Matthews rules, read the Before These Crowded Streets album, and then listen to it (after 6 times every song is sun-on-the-shoulders-rain-on-the-foliage-good!, and then find out what he is really saying.
Love the kids, the baby grand still rules the kitchen and sometimes the house is actually filled with piano, sweet!
OK, loud Dave off, next?

Wednesday, February 14, 2007


Gotta love Southpark. Okay, anyone seen Pan's Labyrinth? I'm a tad nervous about it but really have no choice because it has the word "labyrinth" in it and that has recently occurred synchronously for me in several places, so a must go.

Do monks live a solitary life? Please forgive my ignorance but did/do Mother Theresa or the Pope have a mate? Gandhi? Jesus? Does it vary by religion? Seems it might be too lonely an existence, no?

One scholar recently told me that according to his Monk Manual, online dating was acceptable for monks. I had the opposite position, but yielded the fact that my manual was extremely recent. The verdict is out I believe.

People are delightful. I had dinner tonight with 3 wine-drinking strangers and a couple of coworkers; a warm, nearly sublime sunset dinner at TPC as the storm rolled through behind me, flashing through the giant glass windows and taking out the sunset, much to the enjoyment of our Kansas guests (Kansas guests Toto!)

Tomorrow, a celebration of Chinese New Year, the year of the golden boar, quite special.

Happy New Year All!


Monday, February 12, 2007


All that words are?
is a futile attempt at securing,
the emotional bloom of life.
The rage, the unbridled passion,
all red and intense, both feared and regretted.
In the cool morning light, dew cleanses,
some wash down into tomorrow, Others persist
new in the day sun.

Ok, Going for More than Temporary

I was going to give up on this format, but I'm not ready yet. Sure, there is little content other than my daily ravings, but isn't that where blogs came from?

I just have no ONE topic of rant. I am kinda proud of that, it means that it is more difficult to catagorize me and piss me off in general. I see balance in the face of insanity (when looking in the mirror).

So let's play. I will pay for new interactive subjects! If you are a friend and sign up, it is a cool hard $10 cash for lunch at the place of your choice, sweet, eh? If you are an unknown, then either get to know me (and I buy the lunch) or just be so happily delighted with the witty banter that it tickles you to the point of actually opening a Google account (apparantly that is what you have to do but it costs nothing) [Google Dude/Dudess, got any advice for the potential sign ons?]

Maybe one day I may find a cause, but for now, the cause of BEING in a world so amazing in all aspects is nearly overwhelmingly beautiful. Just need to find how I fit, how to help, beyond the cube farm...


Sunday, February 11, 2007

Snuggly Pets & Peeps

I has been a good Sat & Sun with the kiddos & puppy & family things.

Sometimes time is enough; and a good week, when you realize that the crab is still alive.

Baby grand sits ready and used. A free walk through my house, it is pretty.

Boo! Deb

Saturday, February 10, 2007

Existance is Sometimes Enough

The fact that this blog exists makes me happy, and that is enough of a reason for its being. If it makes anyone else happy then that is a huge bonus.

I need interaction and if this venue prohibits that, then I suppose at least that I learned how to blog, blogged, and retreated form blogdom with all bloggy wisdom and experience. I see no downside.

So, hanging out in the city more again, my uncle just opened the latest G-Spot in S. Scotts this week. He always seems to be close to some Zen thing... nice.

Friday fun for all!

Friday, February 9, 2007

Daily Reason

"Tragedy is the shattering of the forms and of our attachment to the forms; comedy, the wild and careless, inexhaustable joy of life invincible." From J. Campbell's Hero with a Thousand Faces, wow. I am on page 28.

The two are part of life and inextricably woven together.

Did anyone hear about the article on light being converted to matter and then back to light? They accelerated a mile-long beam of light into a tight space) (like mm) and cooled it to millidegrees of 0 Kelvin, which slows light down to 15 mph, yeah, way slow for light. Apparantly at that point they can wrap it up in a "package" and save or move it physically. Way cool science! Heard on NPR today.

A great longtime girlfriend asked what my intentions were here, doing this blog, like what's the point? I suppose I should know, yet beyond trying something very new, I have no answer. It's fun? It's challenging.

Deb Moxie Rose

Any reason that this blog should live?

Thursday, February 8, 2007

The Reason Monks Don't Speak


Exhaustive day today listening to coworkers prattle on about the frustrations of the cube farm, like yeah, no shit it sucks, but what are you willing to really do about it? Let's see some action! (Just FYI, I have been the "prattler" recently so this is a bonding non-negative agreement experience for me and the girls, puts things back into perspective i suppose...).

Good news! The zen pool still stands, and these things need almost no maintanence (or cover) in the winter even during freezes, way cool. So ignore everything that your mother and/or exhusband had read in the rules. Actually they need to get some positive thoughts (tempoprary pools and exhusbands and mothers). If anyone wants to put money on when the thing ruptures and spills all over my backyard, I'll take that bet (pool is the only threat these days although others have their say). I say the kids (that were swimming in November) will be swimming in March, any takers?

Gosh... I love this outlet. I get to try to be me and not really worry about what anyone thinks. In my op.. IMO but from what i hear it should be IMHO, it is In My Humble Opinion, so I would like to learn to use that, much better, so anyway, IMHA, damn wrong voule (how the hell do you spell vowel!?), it is so important that I am glad my present being suggested "humble," it is critical to hte final output of all of us.

Seems to me that people act from places of either fear or humility. Fear is busy, humility is calm. Am I wrong?

And as anyone who knows me knows, I abhore time. It makes 6.02x10 23 of no sense; it makes 32ft/sec2 make no sense.

So, what up?

Tuesday, February 6, 2007

Time To Post Something So Scar...

Y! Okay so this won't really jazz you the way it should, but I need some interaction.

The good news is that a certified nutcase (not yet!) has the ability to potentially earn enough money to be "excentric," I'm thinking 8.5 million annually would allow for a nice balance of assets and liquid capital that will put me in the place where I could really help society, so that is my goal.

Calling all helpers of having fun and making money! And if you have the first clue about me you know that the only reason you need money is to buy time; time is the most precious commidity on this planet, IMHO (as I have been reminded

any better ads than the iPod?!! Love them, admittedly dance to them when "inspired."

Huger Q! How do I load music easily (from PC? Internet) legally, like need a U2 and REM and ShackShakers whole CD loaded to the BlackBerry Pearl from my computer?

Monday, February 5, 2007

When Does it get Interactive? Or is that UnBlog-like?

This is fun. I have never done this and so it is fun; kinda like being fired, never done that yet. I really like the fact that I get paid tons of money to talk to people, sweet deal eh? My future goal is to do the same only jump the zeros up another couple and test the waters there.

Is there a way to interact here or is it all one-sided? The one-sided thing leaves me major cold...

Moxie Heart

Sunday, February 4, 2007

Set It On Screen Saver Two...

Perhaps I'm not as stupid as I am ugly, Commander.

Just love Galaxy Quest, rent that one! Stupid, silly! 2 star at best, you tell me why I like it please?

The time travel is right on. Not really tunnels but a sort-of all-over pod elevator goo to anywhere.

Yah, I'm a nerd. Believe all the techno-no-real. There is a "probability" that I could walk thru the wall, I just want to leverage that probability.

And a berillium sphere? Always want to roll one on-board.

On a similar note:
A lady approached me without provication yesterday at Target and told me that I was beautiful. I tried my best to take her comments as sincere an honest, and thanked her graciously. I fell full of joy. Today I remember her nice comment and try to live up to it.

Longing for love in a love full situation.


Can Other People Comment Here?

Please tell me how to gain a broader interface. I have no clue. Have been telling friends but they have had trouble logging on too. Is it usually this hard to start up?


Saturday, February 3, 2007

Ok, so i was a tad mad at the system...

The last post was only a way to tell the admin (which I am clueless about but know they exist. I happened into some dark menu pulldown and found their communications.. " New blogger experienceing a non-blogging error 505 with blog interface 520.")

If that is all... 77F here on Maui! I'm inside, kid's have a slimy monster movie on. Nice.

This is so boring i am going to hang myself. Ughhh!

Sign In People - Alert!

It has taken me a week to navigate that awful sign-in page, "old user" "new user" how the hell should I know? and better yet, I shouldn't have to care! From the template/screen with all of the arrows, that always comes up, it seems like I am either supposed to start a new blog or convert one I already created, in the new format!

Please, when I sign in, just put me at my home page. And when (thru password already) I click "blog" fire the damn thing up in edit mode, ready to read/write. Is that possible? Or do I have to go back to my typewriter for this book?

Can anyone help?

With much grace,