Monday, April 2, 2007

Tip of the Day...

Hey Gang!

Awe... all warm & fuzzy, I might have more than 1/2 a reader! (per week, that's pretty good!) Don't want anyone to think that I have gone soft since opening the blog to my Mom so I'll have to be extra wretched for the next two weeks to bump her ass right off the thing. Could go the boring route but WAY too unlike me, or maybe just simply impossible for me at this point, so she'll just have to deal.

Still trying to figure out the interactive aspect of this thing. Still seems that I just purge and anyone who has a billion brain cells more than me can't help but wait for the train to crash, sums it up nicely, eh?

So had some reason to look up Harrison Ford, Robin Williams and Woody Harrelson today at work and found that yes, they are either Leo or Crabs, just like Sweet G. & Me, awe... I think I started out on a point there but lost it somewhere, perhaps if we go into the next NEW AND EXCITING FEATURE of this blog, The Tip of the Day, then maybe we will address the issue.

First, let me try to see if adding video is even possible, craop, where is some video I can lift? youtube? I'll try, back in a sec, I know just the one I want. Try This, a delightful work of art, truely, we lovin' It around this schizzle. If no worky goto: and search McDonald's Rap, sweet!

A shits and giggles here. Oh man, you guys missed a major breakup for me & G. this weekend, ughhh! which leads us to the:

(Or a Way to Avoid A Monkish Mess)

Okay, back to normal. Did I say normal? I am in a silly mood. Okay anyway, Tip of the day: Don't ever tell a guy that you have never eaten anything with that you will have his baby this year. What can I say? My mistake. We should have had at least a carrot stick or pretzle or something by now, no?

Okay some big import that I am hoping for, uuuummm, i said import...

oh yeah, a pic of the food me eats. Can't seem to pull off the pics as well as should be easy. Do people have same trouble on myspace? or is it my growing savvy that rock my world? At least...
wear protection, only pic I could access, so deal, oh and give me nerve, All. so happy to, well, you know, finally be just me.

damn can't do anything right now. Boy, boy! Boy, boy! Time to call my G!

Smooches and love you all,


And, always know, I never, way rarely, check back for spelling, facts, reality within my writings, completely opinion of a [as I define myself here] person of planet Earth. That's great, eh?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

does anyone else (besides the alleged G) ever make a comment?